Councils and Commissions

Education Commission

The Education Commission is a group of parishioners, elected by their fellow parishioners, who represent both the parents of school children and the parish at large.  The Commission acts in an advisory capacity to the Pastor and the administrators of St. Margaret of York Parish School on matters pertaining to the planning and operation of the school.  The Education Commission provides counsel, evaluation, and recommendations on issues and needs facing the St. Margaret of York Parish School. 

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Finance Commission

This Commission works with the Pastoral Associate for Finance and Administration to prepare the annual budget, reviews monthly financial statements, performs support tasks for the Parish Office and reports on financial matters to the Pastor and Pastoral Council. Additionally, the Commission monitors incoming revenues compared to budget. Falling under the umbrella of the Finance Council are a number of other committees integral to the management of a parish.

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Parish Council

Parish Pastoral Council is a volunteer ministry strives to ensure the needs and concerns of all parishioners are considered on all matters, both big and small. They seek parishioner’s input, and through dialogue and prayerful discernment, advise the Pastor on how to best fulfill the mission of Christ at St. Margaret of York.

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Social Action Commission

The Social Action Commission works to strengthen awareness of the social justice dimension of our Catholic faith within our St. Margaret of York community. The Commission serves as a liaison with the Archdiocesan Office of Social Action and shares information from the Archdiocese regarding issues such as current legislation on political/social reform, the wide spectrum of Respect Life issues, social welfare, charitable outreach, etc. The Commission is the umbrella for all parish outreach efforts.

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Dave Doel

Worship Commission

The Worship Commission meets throughout the year to discuss with leaders in liturgy, including Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion, Altar Servers, Lectors, Ushers, Arts & Environment, Linens, and Music. The commission prepares for future liturgical seasons, as well as evaluates the needs of the parish community.

Tony Arnold

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