Community Ministries

Bible Studies

Img 9821Wisdom of the Word (WOW) is our Bible Study program on Wednesdays offered twice a year, one beginning in the Fall around September and the second one beginning mid-January to early February.

Program topics are chosen from various popular Catholic study programs such as Ascension Press and Formed. For each session of the program, a morning and evening session are offered. (Please note sometimes the two sessions choose different topics to explore)

WOW is an opportunity to go deeper into the exploration of the Word of the Lord and to join others in fellowship, in an environment where you can learn and grow your Catholic faith! Our program is designed for both first-timers as well as veterans of Bible study, all are welcome!

Did we mention we have snacks?

See Current Studies

Birgitt Hacker

Boosters / Athletics

Boy Scouts

"Scouting is adventure, family, fun, character, leadership and so much more. Scouting is hands-on learning and achievement that puts kids in the middle of the action and prepares them for today – and for life."

(Source: Boy Scouts of America)


Paul Bunch


Cana Family Institute

Cana Family Institute’s The Cana Experience is a small group formation program for mothers of young children. Regardless of where you are in your faith and family journey, you will grow in your relationship with God, confidence in your role as a Catholic spouse and parent, and friendships with other families. The Cana Experience is made up of small group programs including The Temperament God Gave You and Created & Called, which explores the following topics: Who am I as a Woman, Who am I as a Wife/Mother, Who am I as a Child of God and Who am I as a Disciple for Christ? Retreats specifically geared to mothers of young children are also offered.

You are Invited to Join “The Temperament God Gave You” Small Group

Do you want to better understand yourself, your spouse, and your children?
Do you desire strong friendships with other parents just like you?

Knowing your God-given temperament will help you become a better spouse, parent and friend. Join The Temperament God Gave You: A Catholic Small Group for Parents of Young Children. We’ll meet every other Tuesday, from February 4 through May 13 (except April 15) at SMOY’s Hospitality Room, from 7:00-9:00 pm. Cost is $55 for an individual; $75 per couple (includes 2 workbooks and 1 book).

Register at (1) Select “Archdiocese of Cincinnati” and scroll down to “St. Margaret of York Catholic Church – Loveland, OH.”  (2) Choose “2025 SMOY Temperament” for individual registration and “2025 SMOY Temperament – Couples” for couple registration. Questions? Contact Jessi Lima Bollin at with any questions.

Jessi Lima Bollin


Challenge is a network of Catholic clubs and camps for girls in the fifth through twelfth grade who want to grow in their Catholic faith, friendship with Christ, and make a difference in the world around them. It is designed to help adolescent girls go out into the world as strong and authentic Catholic role models where they can make a positive impact.

Challenge's "recipe" for success is based on the combination of doing apostolic work and formation. This dual approach helps to unite the girls with Christ in order to live virtue, find happiness and to make a difference.


Tammy O'Rourke

Susan Purdue

Elizabeth Ministry

We are a group of experienced mothers who provide support to the mothers of new babies in our parish. Whether you are a first time mom or welcoming your 10th child, we are here to make this blessed time a little easier.  

We have a team of women who love to cook and would be happy to make a meal or two for your family to add to the help you may already be getting from family and friends.  We also have experienced moms and grandmas who miss that new baby smell and can still feel in our bones the weariness of those early months.  If you would like to be paired with a home visitor, we offer 6 in-home visits for 2 hours at a time. Anything from helping with the baby to entertaining siblings, light cleaning or simply moral support. Make a mental list of things that would soothe you the most - folding the laundry that’s sitting been in the dryer, holding the baby while you nap, pushing the big kids on the swings and reading them books while you snuggle with your newest blessing, or just sharing a coffee and chatting with an adult.  We are here to make sure you get a little bit of mothering too.  We also have a handmade baby blanket as a gift for you from our parish, made by our amazing Elizabeth Ministry knitters and crocheters.  I know it all sounds almost too good to be true, but we really are here just for you.    

If you are the mother of a new baby and would like help, or are a woman in the parish who would like to serve our new mamas, feel free to reach out to me. 


Amy Konrad

Fathers Team

Fathers Team is a ministry that brings together fathers of all ages to grow their faith through studying Sacred Scripture, prayer, music, and fellowship. The Father's Team meets on Thursday evenings at 7:03pm and on Friday mornings at 6:03am each week. Fathers of all ages and walks of life are invited to attend. You will find this is a warm and welcoming group always excited for new additions! Come have a cup of coffee, sing a song, say a prayer, learn from and share your wisdom with others, and become a better man for your family. No commitment is required.

Come when you can! How about this Thursday or Friday?


Greg Patterson

Send an Email to Fathers Team

Visit the Father's Team Page

Food Pantry Ministry

The Food Pantry Ministry collects non-perishable items and delivers the goods to both the Kings Local and Loveland LIFE Food Pantries.  In collaboration with the pantry staff, we highlight an Item of the Month.  These items are much-needed, rarely donated, and are often not SNAP-eligible and/or are outside pantry budgets.  Volunteers of all ages deliver to the pantries ~2-3 times per month.  Service hour opportunities are available upon request.

To donate goods:  All non-perishable donations can be left on the table opposite the Parish Office.  To donate money:   For every $1 donated, pantries typically purchase $10 worth of food, thanks to partnerships with Shared Harvest (Kings) and Freestore Foodbank (LIFE).  Donate directly through the following links to Kings Local Pantry and/or Loveland LIFE Food Pantry. 

To drive or to be included on our Friends of the Food Pantry communication list Lindsey Galles.  


Laurin & Chris Robinson

Girl Scout

Girl Scouts delivers the best leadership experience for girls, setting them up for a lifetime of success. Girl Scouts is proven to help girls thrive in five key ways as they:

  • develop a strong sense of self
  • seek challenges and learn from setbacks
  • display positive values
  • form and maintain healthy relationships
  • dentify and solve problems in the community

Girl Scout troops creates a safe space where girls can try new things, develop a range of skills, take on leadership roles, and just be themselves. (Source: Girls Scouts)

Gabrielle Gray

Heart and Soul

Logo Heartandsoul ColorThe Heart & Soul Mission is to encourage and promote friendship and fellowship at St.Hs Margaret of York Parish through social and fun-filled events. Heart & Soul is an all-inclusive group open to all singles and couples by serving them in their diverse needs and interests. Participants typically span the ages of 50+; however, all are welcome.

Matt Sokany

Jim Ireton, Dan Braun, Mike Schmitt, Mike Homan, Deacon Mike Hoffman, and John LaFleur also assist with this ministry.

Kairos Prison Ministry

"The mission of Kairos Prison Ministry is to share the transforming love and forgiveness of Jesus Christ to impact the hearts and lives of incarcerated men, women and youth, as well as their families, to become loving and productive citizens of their communities." (Source: Kairos Prison Ministry International)

John Brandenburg

Knights of Columbus

Moms Ministry

The Moms Ministry is a group of moms of all ages from St. Margaret of York Church whose mission is to support each other through faith, fellowship, and service as we seek to raise our kids in the Catholic faith. We do this through informal social gatherings and play dates, regular story times and music classes, "Mom's Night Out" craft nights, and more. We are led by and for moms, and we welcome your creativity and contributions to our group! 

Liz Weber, Laura Hern, and Kim Korst

PLUS: Prayerful, Loving, Understanding, Support

The Pregnancy Loss Ministry provides caring support to those who have lost a baby through miscarriage, stillbirth, newborn death or SIDS through information, group support meetings, liturgical activities, and prayer.

Grieving parents find comfort and support among peers -- within a Christ-centered environment. Volunteers have also experienced loss and are able to share a personal experience to the extent that it provides support to others.


Mary Kuenzig

Prayer Chain

The St. Margaret Prayer Chain Ministry prays for those experiencing a special need or emergency situation.

They are a great comfort to anyone who feels alone when facing a time of crisis. You are welcome to be included in this special ministry, or if you have prayer intentions or requests, our prayers can be offered for you.

Send your prayer requests to our Prayer Chain.


Amy Grogan

Divine Healer, God of Wholeness, we place these parishioners in your hands; we ask for healing, but also for acceptance of their illness and of your holy plan. Help them and us to embrace whatever you have in mind for them. Support them in their anxieties, fears, pains, and the frustrations of their illness. Support them with the strength of the Holy Spirit. We ask this in the name of Jesus, compassionate healer of those in need of health and hope. Amen.

Queen City Catholics - Young Adult Ministry of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati

Queen City Catholics St. Margaret of York does not have a separate ministry for young adults, but the Archdiocese of Cincinnati does through Queen City Catholics.

About Queen City Catholics:

Our mission is to empower every young adult in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati to embrace their unique vocation within vibrant Catholic communities. As missionary disciples of Jesus Christ, their passion will revive the local church. Following Jesus’s command to “Go, and make disciples of all nations,” we aim to share the Gospel's abundant life with everyone we meet.

Go to Queen City Catholics

Respect Life

The Respect Life group at St. Margaret of York promotes education and awareness of pro-life issues and the necessity of respect for all life from conception until natural death.

We have partnered with Old St. Mary's Pregnancy Center in Over-the-Rhine to provide monetary and material donations through various collections. Additionally, our group sponsors two prayer days at Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic during the 40 Days for Life campaign in the Spring and in the Fall. These prayer events are peaceful and prayerful. Respect Life encourages participation in legislative action by petitioning lawmakers on the local, state, and federal level to promote a culture of life. Members also participate in the annual March for Life in Washington DC and Cross the Bridge for Life in Cincinnati. Respect Life also helps connect post-abortive men and women with organizations such as Project Rachel and other appropriate counseling and healing programs in a loving and non-judgemental way.

Want to sign up for the Archdiocese Pro-Life Newsletter? Click here and sign up at the bottom of the page. Cemetery of the innocents


Amy Pater


Pregnancy Centers in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati
Printable Brochure


SUBSCRIBE to our SMOY Respect Life Newsletter

* indicates required

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Society of St. Vincent de Paul

The St. Margaret of York Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (SVdP) has been in existence since November 2006. Our mission is to offer emotional, spiritual, and financial support to people living in the St. Margaret of York and St. Vincent de Paul boundaries -- parishioners and non-parishioners alike. Volunteers with SVdP share the love, fellowship, and resources of both our God and our St. Margaret of York family during home visits with clients in need.

SVdP is supported by our parishioners through Fifth Sunday Collections occurring four times a year during Mass. The members of the Conference normally meet twice a month to hold spiritual discussions, pray, and discuss the business affairs of the Conference.


David Bedel

Welcome New Parishioners

The Welcome Ministry informs and encourage new parishioners to take an active role in the church community. The ministry hostsImg 8696 Welcome Gatherings quarterly for new parishioners.

Leanne Matthews

Women in Service for Community (WISC)

Women in Service for Community (WISC) is our newest ministry which welcomes all women interested in building community through volunteer service activities. Women will grow in fellowship and faith through their communal efforts to serve the SMOY parish and surrounding community. Organizational Meetings are held periodically, and members choose the service activities in which they'd like to participate. Specific activity details will become available as events are planned.


Sue Ann Klaber

Pam Paul


Want to get involved but not sure where to start? We'll help you find your place.

Birgitt Hacker
Birgitt Hacker
Pastoral Associate of Adult Faith Formation & Ministries