Men supporting Men; Growing in Faith and Fatherhood

Who we are
As a team of fathers, we offer each other practical help, fellowship, and support to be consistently better fathers and husbands. We encourage men to be devoted spiritual leaders for their family and to grow closer in their relationship with God, our Almighty Father. The Fathers Team aims to build men renewed in faith, hope and love through confidential sharing of practical experience, mutual accountability, guidance of our Catholic faith, and fun.

When we meet
We have two meeting times each week, 6:03AM on Friday mornings and 7:03PM on Thursday evening.  All men are welcome to attend either time.


What happens at a meeting
Each meeting is designed around a having a conversation related to making us better husbands, fathers and followers of Christ.  We start in prayer.  One of the team members will then present a topic, which is followed by large and/or small group discussion.  Meetings end at the one-hour mark.

For more information
Please reach out to SMOY Fathers Team!

Fathers Team


2025 Fathers Team Lenten Series

Lent is a time for prayer, fasting and almsgiving.  Fathers Team will provide a one-hour weekly presentation and discussion on different aspects of our faith.  Our theme this year is “If you build it, He will come:  Men’s Spirituality.” 

We invite all the men of our parish (and beyond) to explore their faith more deeply.  Meetings start promptly at 7:03 PM on Thursdays and 6:03 AM on Fridays.  Friday morning ends at 7:03AM, sharp.  Thursday evening, the formal presentation ends at 8:03 PM but a small group usually sticks around for fellowship after.

Important points to consider:

  • Each talk is self-contained:  If you miss the first one, you can still come to any of the others. 
  • Our presentations are low-key and low-stress…  You will not be compelled to talk in the discussion. 
  • Most of us are not any further along in our spiritual journey than you are.  We are just a group of guys who get together to try to figure out how to be better husbands, better fathers and better disciples of Christ.

If this seems like it is for you, please join us!

Topics and Presenters:



Mar. 6/7

Different...This...Year! Charge Yourself Up

and Inspire Your Family this Lent

Mar. 13/14

What it Means to Be a Man of God

Mar. 20/21

Being Together: A Husband's Guide

to Living a Christ-Centered Marriage

Mar. 27/28

Adventures in Fatherhood: A New Frontier

Apr. 3/4

A Community of Men in Faith

Apr. 10/11

What is a Seder Meal and

How Does it Relate to the Eucharist?

Apr. 18

Close-out:  Reflections on the Passion and Death of Christ. 
How do I turn all of this into a greater love of God?



Upcoming Meetings