We use this page to share event and ministry opportunities that are being offered by the broader Catholic community.
The Angelico Project
The Angelico Project is a lay Catholic initiative to evangelize souls through truth, goodness and beauty by promoting the arts, thought and cultural events. Visit Aneglico's Events page to see what performances and events are being offered.
Mother of God Sacred Architecture Tour - Saturday, February 8, 2025
Join us as we explore the Sacred Architecture of Greater Cincinnati. Few realize that we have sacred spaces in our own “backyard” that rival the beauty of some of Europe’s most historic churches. Don’t miss the next stop on our 2024-2025 sacred architecture adventure. Together we will explore the exceptional beauty and fascinating history of Mother of God Church in Covington, KY! All are welcome.
Philosophy Taylor's Version - Thursday, February 13, 2025
Join us to explore of some of the themes that appear in both Taylor Swift's music and the Great Books of the Western Tradition: memory, love, identity, justice, revenge, loneliness, sorrow, fate, and happiness.
Friends of Jesus
Saturday, January 25, 2025 | 1:00 - 3:00pm | All Saint Saints, Montgomery, OH
Friends of Jesus is a group for adults with developmental disabilities (18 years of age or older). This group’s focus is primarily for support, prayer and socializing. We come together in prayer, do some craft-making and enjoy refreshments. New members are always welcome but must RSVP first prior to attending so we can plan for food and craft supplies. For questions or to RSVP, please contact Jane Callan at 513.793.3546.
Pay attention to CDC announcements for any updates to advice for wearing masks in public gatherings. Anyone bringing snacks for the group to share is asked to wrap the snacks individually.
Couples' Night at the Maria Stein Shrine
Sunday, February 16 at 5:30pm in the Shrine’s Upper Room
The Maria Stein Shrine is hosting a special event for couples wanting to strengthen their faith and marriage. Couples Night will be held on Sunday, February 16th at 5:30 pm in the Shrine’s Upper Room. The evening will begin with dinner, beverages, and desserts. After dinner, Julia Monnin, President and Director of Apostolic Works for the Catholic nonprofit apostolate Journeys Revealed Ministries will speak. The cost for the evening is $50 per couple and an RSVP is required. Space is limited. Register online at mariasteinshrine.org by February 10th.
How to Hear the Voice of God Retreat
Feb 7, 2025 7:00-9:00 pm and Sat. Feb. 8, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm
This community retreat will be filled with praise and worship, praying with scripture, encountering the Lord in the sacraments, guided prayer exercises of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Ignatius of Loyola, learning about charisms and your spiritual gifts, increasing our capacity for stillness and receptivity and receiving and sharing prophetic words, featuring deacon Russ Feldkamp of Encounter School of Ministry.
This retreat is hosted by Presentation Ministries and the Gone Fishing Community.
Includes Masses, Confessions on Saturday and Lunch and babysitting available for all who pre-register! COST=A FREE WILL OFFERING, SO ALL CAN ATTEND
Questions: (513) 373-2397 or email
Gate of Heaven – Pre Planning Seminars
Being prepared is essential! Gate of Heaven Cemetery, owned and operated by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, is here to help you understand the Church’s teachings on end-of-life planning, so you can make these important decisions with peace of mind.
Planning ahead spares loved ones the added stress of making difficult decisions during times of grief. If you’d like to arrange a seminar at your parish, feel free to reach out, and we’ll gladly help schedule a session.
For more details, visit:
To reserve your spot, please RSVP by calling 513-489-0300 or emailing community@gateofheaven.org.
Formation & Training for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Upcoming Months | Cincinnati, Dayton, and Online
Are you interested in becoming an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion to serve at Mass or to the sick, hospitalized, or homebound? The Archdiocese will offer formation and training sessions in the coming months. Learn more and register at www.catholicaoc.org/worship.
Friends of Jesus
Saturday, March 22, 2025 | 1:00 - 3:00pm | All Saint Saints, Montgomery, OH
Friends of Jesus is a group for adults with developmental disabilities (18 years of age or older). This group’s focus is primarily for support, prayer and socializing. We come together in prayer, do some craft-making and enjoy refreshments. New members are always welcome but must RSVP first prior to attending so we can plan for food and craft supplies. For questions or to RSVP, please contact Jane Callan at 513.793.3546.
Pay attention to CDC announcements for any updates to advice for wearing masks in public gatherings. Anyone bringing snacks for the group to share is asked to wrap the snacks individually.
Join the Permanent Diaconate
Any man who may be discerning a possible vocation to serve the Church as a Permanent Deacon should contact Deacon Mark Machuga, Director of the Office of the Diaconate, to discuss the discernment process, pre-requisites and the formation cycle. Deacon Mark can be reached at 513.263.6641 or deaconoffice@catholicaoc.org.
Franciscan Sisters Discernment Events
Single Catholic Women 20-35: Franciscan Sisters invite you to in-person and on-line Discernment Events designed for you. Discover your calling and purpose. Visit https://fscc-calledtobe.org or contact Sr. Julie Ann 920.323.9632.
Be a Missionary
Have you ver considered short or long-term service or lay missionary work in the U.S. or overseas? There are over 100 Catholic organizations seeking volunteers for all sorts of service: agriculture & mechanic work, arts & music, building trades, business & administration, computer work, community organizing, religious/school education, elderly outreach, engineering, mental & other health care, refugee services, pro-life ministries, social/racial justice work, youth ministry … and more. Check out the Catholic Volunteer Network at CatholicVolunteerNetwork.org/begin. For advice and possible limited subsidies, contact Dr. Mike Gable, Mission Office Director, Archdiocese of Cincinnati at mgable@catholicaoc.org.
Genesis: A Pre-Cana Retreat
The Center for the New Evangelization’s Marriage & Family team hosts Genesis: A Pre-Cana Retreat in English and Spanish throughout the archdiocese. The retreat typically lasts from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and offers engaging presentations on the sacrament of marriage by teams of married couples, focusing on what it means to say “yes” to each of the questions of consent. The retreat also offers a unique opportunity for couples to pray together in adoration, go to Confession, spend time alone in conversation, and form friendships with other engaged couples. Visit our marriage preparation website for more information and dates of upcoming Genesis retreats at https://www.centerforthenewevangelization.org/marriage-family/marriage-p....
Hear Sacred Heart Radio on Your Phone or Device
Sacred Heart Radio’s free app lets anyone hear the most sought-after Catholic speakers and authors at anytime from anywhere. No radio required! Your local Catholic media connection, Sacred Heart Radio helps you learn and live your faith every hour of every day at no cost. To download the app, visit the app store on your phone or device and search “Sacred Heart Radio.”
Ministry to Survivors of Abuse (reporting)
The Archdiocese of Cincinnati regards child abuse in all its forms as gravely sinful and criminal. Anyone who knows of or suspects child abuse by a legitimate member of the clergy or hierarchy, employee, or volunteer of the archdiocese should first report the abuse to the appropriate secular legal authority and then to Ms. Teresa Maley, Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse of the Archdiocese, at 513.263.6623 or 1.800.686.2724 ext. 6623.
General Beacons Updates
Sunday Mass attendance increased in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati 4.5% from October 2022 to October 2023, continuing a rebound in participation since the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021 we saw more than a 52% return, another 6.5% in 2022, and 4.5% in 2023. While we remain down from our 2019 pre-pandemic attendance, three years of increase is a strong and encouraging trend for our archdiocese that will hopefully continue as Families of Parishes focus on the vision for the future and the “Why” at the root of the Beacons of Light project: “To proclaim the Gospel and make disciples in this particular time and place.” Participation in the Eucharist, and in particular Sunday Mass, is a foundational principle in Beacons of Light.
Curious about how the first year of Beacons of Light has gone in our 57 Families of Parishes? Archbishop Schnurr has released the Year 1 Parish Vitality Report to bring everyone in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati up-to-date. In addition to facts, figures, stories and witness, there’s an opportunity for you to give feedback on your experience of parish life.
If Beacons of Light fulfills the vision set for it, our churches will be full, our liturgies will be joyful, our priests will be present for their people, and our communities will be fully alive! The Parish Vitality Report helps us understand the progress being made in each of our 57 Families of Parishes. This honest snapshot of the work our pastors and leadership groups are undertaking shares wins to celebrate and also obstacles to overcome.To learn more, visit https://pathway.catholicaoc.org/pastoral-vitality-report-feb-2023.
Access to the Beacons of Light Pastoral Planning Pathway digital platform is now available to anyone, not just parish leaders. Create a free user account at http://pathway.catholicaoc.org to stay informed about the planning process, to better understand the work being done in your Family of Parishes, and learn how you can contribute!
Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr has written a letter to the faithful of the archdiocese regarding the Eucharist principle of Beacons of Light.
"We ask our Lord in a special way that our celebrations of the Eucharist truly foster unity, not only in our Families of Parishes, but across our entire archdiocese. This unity – not uniformity – is a cornerstone to building up the Catholic Church in these nineteen counties of western and southwestern Ohio."