About Family Faith

Family Faith is a year-long program designed to help families take intentional time out of our busy schedules to grow in the faithFamily Faith1 together. During once a month 75 minute meetings parents are equipped to embrace their role as primary catechists of their children, while children learn in fellowship with their peers. Faith is put into action with various family friendly service and fellowship opportunities throughout the year.

About the Curriculum

Family Faith utilizes Sophia Institute's "A Family of Faith" curriculum. "A Family of Faith follows a four year cycle: one pillar of the Catechism is covered per year from September through May. Parents are given a detailed picture of authentic and vibrant Catholic family life, the tools to implement this life in their home, and age appropriate readings, games, crafts, and other activities to help them deepen among their children a love for Christ and His Church.

Each year is self contained, and so families may join at any time in the cycle. After four years, families will have been guided through the entirety of the Catechism and will have developed a broad understanding of the Church teachings."  (Sophia Institute)

Tuition Fees

$100 per Family

Tuition includes:

  • Parent Guide
  • Student Activity Books for each child
  • Catechism (new families)
  • Bible (new families)

Frequently Asked Questions

Family Faith is a year-long program designed to help families take intentional time out of our busy schedules to grow in the faith together. Through once-a-month 75 minute Family Sessions, parents are equipped to embrace the call to teach their children and given the tools to develop their home as the Domestic Church. The curriculum, designed by Sophia Institute, provides easy to follow instructions to aid parents in facilitating at home activities and discussions about the faith. Faith is put into action with various family friendly service and fellowship opportunities throughout the year.

Regestration is now open via We Share through September 1st! If you need assistance, please reach out to Jacilyn Jackson at jjackson@smoy.org.


Life is busy. We get it! That is why we designed A Family of Faith with flexibility in mind. Each month we will offer a Sunday morning (9:30am-10:45am) and a Monday evening (6:30pm-7:45pm) session. You simply choose a session to attend based on what fits your schedule best for the month. Need to attend a different time slot next month? No problem! A calendar of all specific date and time offerings for the year will be provided after registration.

All families are welcome to take part in A Family of Faith, including those who homeschool, attend Catholic school, attend a public school or in which not all family members are Catholic. We welcome families of all shapes, sizes, and backgrounds.

Congratulations! Sacramental prep years are busy, but exciting. Prior to receiving a sacrament, students must have 2 consecutive years of religious education either through a Catholic school or a parish religion program. Students preparing for a sacrament will utilize a curriculum specific to their sacrament during Family Faith sessions. Sacramental preparation does require additional in-person and at-home components.

Sacrament Sign-Ups*

Reconcilations/First Communion


To learn more reach out to Jacilyn Jackson at jjackson@smoy.org.


Jaci Jackson
Jacilyn Jackson
Coordinator of Religious Education & Safe Environment Coordinator

How can I teach my kids about the faith?

How can I teach my kids about the faith? | WHY