We use this page to share event and ministry opportunities that are being offered by the broader Catholic community. 

E6 Catholic Men’s Conference

Mark your calendar for the 2025 E6 Catholic Men’s Conference, which will be taking place on Saturday, February 22nd 2023, at the East Central High School Performing Arts Center in St. Leon, IN (80 miles southeast of Indianapolis and 35 minutes northwest of Cincinnati).  We cordially invite every man to attend this 10th annual event. 

This year’s conference features keynote speaker Chris Stefanick, Jake Khym, Bobby Angel and Fr. Jonathan Meyer. Please join us for inspiring talks, confession (available all day), celebration of the Holy Mass and fraternity with fellow men of Christ. We pride ourselves on presenting a quality, substance-driven, inspirational and faith-filled event that will change men’s lives and help equip them to be the man Christ calls them to be. Do not miss this!  More details and tickets are on sale now at www.e6cmc.com. 

*To join and attend with the men from SMOY, Please register using the  “SMOY, Loveland Ohio” Sign In Group.  Use Passcode “ironsharpensiron”.

For further information to join the group attending from SMOY, please contact ken.klaber@lyb.com.


The Angelico Project

The Angelico Project is a lay Catholic initiative to evangelize souls through truth, goodness and beauty by promoting the arts, thought and cultural events. Visit Aneglico's Events page to see what performances and events are being offered.

Mother of God Sacred Architecture Tour - Saturday, February 8, 2025
Join us as we explore the Sacred Architecture of Greater Cincinnati. Few realize that we have sacred spaces in our own “backyard” that rival the beauty of some of Europe’s most historic churches. Don’t miss the next stop on our 2024-2025 sacred architecture adventure. Together we will explore the exceptional beauty and fascinating history of Mother of God Church in Covington, KY! All are welcome.

Philosophy Taylor's Version - Thursday, February 13, 2025
Join us to explore of some of the themes that appear in both Taylor Swift's music and the Great Books of the Western Tradition: memory, love, identity, justice, revenge, loneliness, sorrow, fate, and happiness.

Couples' Night at the Maria Stein Shrine

Sunday, February 16 at 5:30pm in the Shrine’s Upper Room

The Maria Stein Shrine is hosting a special event for couples wanting to strengthen their faith and marriage. Couples Night will be held on Sunday, February 16th at 5:30 pm in the Shrine’s Upper Room. The evening will begin with dinner, beverages, and desserts. After dinner, Julia Monnin, President and Director of Apostolic Works for the Catholic nonprofit apostolate Journeys Revealed Ministries will speak. The cost for the evening is $50 per couple and an RSVP is required. Space is limited. Register online at mariasteinshrine.org by February 10th.

Gate of Heaven Cemetery

Being prepared is everything! Learning, planning and being prepared is a part of life. Gate of Heaven Cemetery, owned and operated by the Archdiocese of Cincinnati, is here to help you understand Church teachings, so that planning end of life decisions can be made with peace of mind. Preplanning is truly a gift to your loved ones. Attend a Complimentary Pre-Planning Seminar on Tuesday, February 25, 2025 at any of these times offered: 11am, 2pm or 6pm. Please RSVP to 513-489-0300 or community@gateofheaven.org.

How to Hear the Voice of God Retreat

Feb 7, 2025 7:00-9:00 pm and Sat. Feb. 8, 9:00 am- 5:00 pm

This community retreat will be filled with praise and worship, praying with scripture, encountering the Lord in the sacraments, guided prayer exercises of St. Thomas Aquinas and St. Ignatius of Loyola, learning about charisms and your spiritual gifts, increasing our capacity for stillness and receptivity and receiving and sharing prophetic words, featuring deacon Russ Feldkamp of Encounter School of Ministry.

This retreat is hosted by Presentation Ministries and the Gone Fishing Community.

Includes Masses, Confessions on Saturday and Lunch and babysitting available for all who pre-register!  COST=A FREE WILL OFFERING, SO ALL CAN ATTEND



Questions: (513) 373-2397 or email


Sacred Heart Radio

Ash Wednesday is coming up on March 5th! Consider changing your media habits for Lent by switching to Sacred Heart Catholic Radio. Tune your radio to 740 or 910AM, or download our new app at sacredheartradio.com to listen to authentically Catholic programming, live and on-demand. It’s the WAY to grow in your faith everyday - especially in the season of Lent. Sacred Heart Radio is a listener-supported Catholic radio station dedicated to helping you grow in knowledge and love of the Faith.

Formation & Training for Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion

Upcoming Months | Cincinnati, Dayton, and Online

Are you interested in becoming an extraordinary minister of Holy Communion to serve at Mass or to the sick, hospitalized, or homebound? The Archdiocese will offer formation and training sessions in the coming months. Learn more and register at www.catholicaoc.org/worship.

Friends of Jesus

Saturday, March 22, 2025 | 1:00 - 3:00pm | All Saint Saints, Montgomery, OH

Friends of Jesus is a group for adults with developmental disabilities (18 years of age or older). This group’s focus is primarily for support, prayer and socializing. We come together in prayer, do some craft-making and enjoy refreshments. New members are always welcome but must RSVP first prior to attending so we can plan for food and craft supplies. For questions or to RSVP, please contact Jane Callan at 513.793.3546.

Pay attention to CDC announcements for any updates to advice for wearing masks in public gatherings. Anyone bringing snacks for the group to share is asked to wrap the snacks individually.

Join the Permanent Diaconate

Any man who may be discerning a possible vocation to serve the Church as a Permanent Deacon should contact Deacon Mark Machuga, Director of the Office of the Diaconate, to discuss the discernment process, pre-requisites and the formation cycle. Deacon Mark can be reached at 513.263.6641 or deaconoffice@catholicaoc.org.

Franciscan Sisters Discernment Events

Single Catholic Women 20-35: Franciscan Sisters invite you to in-person and on-line Discernment Events designed for you. Discover your calling and purpose. Visit https://fscc-calledtobe.org or contact Sr. Julie Ann 920.323.9632.

Be a Missionary

 Have you ver considered short or long-term service or lay missionary work in the U.S. or overseas? There are over 100 Catholic organizations seeking volunteers for all sorts of service: agriculture & mechanic work, arts & music, building trades, business & administration, computer work, community organizing, religious/school education, elderly outreach, engineering, mental & other health care, refugee services, pro-life ministries, social/racial justice work, youth ministry … and more. Check out the Catholic Volunteer Network at CatholicVolunteerNetwork.org/begin. For advice and possible limited subsidies, contact Dr. Mike Gable, Mission Office Director, Archdiocese of Cincinnati at mgable@catholicaoc.org.

Genesis: A Pre-Cana Retreat

The Center for the New Evangelization’s Marriage & Family team hosts Genesis: A Pre-Cana Retreat in English and Spanish throughout the archdiocese. The retreat typically lasts from 9:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and offers engaging presentations on the sacrament of marriage by teams of married couples, focusing on what it means to say “yes” to each of the questions of consent. The retreat also offers a unique opportunity for couples to pray together in adoration, go to Confession, spend time alone in conversation, and form friendships with other engaged couples. Visit our marriage preparation website for more information and dates of upcoming Genesis retreats at https://www.centerforthenewevangelization.org/marriage-family/marriage-p....

Ministry to Survivors of Abuse (reporting)

The Archdiocese of Cincinnati regards child abuse in all its forms as gravely sinful and criminal. Anyone who knows of or suspects child abuse by a legitimate member of the clergy or hierarchy, employee, or volunteer of the archdiocese should first report the abuse to the appropriate secular legal authority and then to Ms. Teresa Maley, Coordinator of Ministry to Survivors of Abuse of the Archdiocese, at 513.263.6623 or 1.800.686.2724 ext. 6623.

General Beacons Updates

Sunday Mass attendance increased in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati 4.5% from October 2022 to October 2023, continuing a rebound in participation since the 2020 COVID-19 pandemic. In 2021 we saw more than a 52% return, another 6.5% in 2022, and 4.5% in 2023. While we remain down from our 2019 pre-pandemic attendance, three years of increase is a strong and encouraging trend for our archdiocese that will hopefully continue as Families of Parishes focus on the vision for the future and the “Why” at the root of the Beacons of Light project: “To proclaim the Gospel and make disciples in this particular time and place.” Participation in the Eucharist, and in particular Sunday Mass, is a foundational principle in Beacons of Light.

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Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

In his October 2004 apostolic letter Mane Nobiscum Domine, Pope St. John Paul II wrote: “[B]y our mutual love and, in particular, by our concern for those in need we will be recognized as true followers of Christ (cf. Jn. 13:35; Mt. 25:31-46). This will be the criterion by which the authenticity of our Eucharistic celebrations is judged” (28). With these words, the Holy Father underscored the divine connection between the Body and Blood of Christ that we freely receive and what we do as a result.

Like two sides of the same coin, there is an inseparable relationship for our path to salvation between God’s gift of the Eucharist and our willingness to selflessly give of ourselves to others. To believe in a God that is love is also to assent that “each of us is truly called, together with Jesus, to be bread broken for the life of the world,” especially for the most vulnerable among us (Benedict XVI, Sacramentum Caritatis, 88).

The Catholic Church in the United States has embarked upon the third and final stage of our Eucharistic Revival: the Year of Mission. After having so joyfully and publicly welcomed the National Eucharistic Pilgrimage to the archdiocese last year, we now remind ourselves of the mission to be Christ for others. The world needs us to shine as examples of God’s love and compassion. The unborn, mothers in need, immigrants, homeless, and so many other vulnerable people long for us to see them with the eyes of Jesus, who has a special place for the poor in His heart.

In the context of Beacons of Light, the Eucharistic Revival’s Year of Mission is well-expressed through the Love in Action principle. This principle encompasses our parish ministries of charity and social justice that organize our time, treasure and talents to respect human life from conception until natural death, serve those in need, welcome migrants, advocate for a more just and peaceful world, promote solidarity through global missions, create spaces of belonging for those with disabilities and care for God’s creation.

The Eucharist is also a source of unity. In these relentlessly polarized times, our Love in Action ministries present a unique and prophetic witness to how we as Catholics overcome ideological, racial and social differences to advance the life and dignity of everyone. Likewise, the Eucharistic Revival Year of Mission is a welcomed opportunity for us to remind ourselves and our communities of how powerfully this Sacrament motivates us to see all people as beloved members of one human family.

It is also fitting that the universal Church is celebrating the Jubilee Year 2025 with the theme Pilgrims of Hope. Motivated by the Eucharist to put our love into action in a divided and violent world, we all need a limitless source of hope. In his Bull of Indiction for the Jubilee, Pope Francis assures us that our Christian faith offers us in all circumstances hope in God, a hope that does not fade. “May it help us to recover the confident trust that we require,” the Holy Father prays, “in the Church and in society, in our interpersonal relationships, in international relations, and in our task of promoting the dignity of all persons and respect for God’s gift of creation” (Spes Non Confundit, 25).

Therefore, for this Eucharistic Revival Year of Mission during the Jubilee Year of Hope, I encourage all Families of Parishes, schools and other Catholic entities in the archdiocese to put a special emphasis on advancing Love in Action over the next five months. More details regarding ways to do this are available through the archdiocesan Office of Catholic Social Action at https://catholicaoc.org/yearofmission. We will conclude the Eucharistic Revival’s Year of Mission with a Mass at the Cathedral Basilica of St. Peter in Chains on the Feast of the Ascension, Sunday, June 1, 2025, to which all of you are invited.

Thank you for all you do to be ever transformed by the Body of Christ to put God’s love into action. By doing so, you are a pilgrim of hope for the local Church and all the world.

Sincerely yours in Christ,

Most Reverend Dennis M. Schnurr

Archbishop of Cincinnati

Curious about how the first year of Beacons of Light has gone in our 57 Families of Parishes? Archbishop Schnurr has released the Year 1 Parish Vitality Report to bring everyone in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati up-to-date. In addition to facts, figures, stories and witness, there’s an opportunity for you to give feedback on your experience of parish life.

See Report

If Beacons of Light fulfills the vision set for it, our churches will be full, our liturgies will be joyful, our priests will be present for their people, and our communities will be fully alive! The Parish Vitality Report helps us understand the progress being made in each of our 57 Families of Parishes. This honest snapshot of the work our pastors and leadership groups are undertaking shares wins to celebrate and also obstacles to overcome.To learn more, visit https://pathway.catholicaoc.org/pastoral-vitality-report-feb-2023.

Access to the Beacons of Light Pastoral Planning Pathway digital platform is now available to anyone, not just parish leaders. Create a free user account at http://pathway.catholicaoc.org to stay informed about the planning process, to better understand the work being done in your Family of Parishes, and learn how you can contribute!

Archbishop Dennis M. Schnurr has written a letter to the faithful of the archdiocese regarding the Eucharist principle of Beacons of Light.

"We ask our Lord in a special way that our celebrations of the Eucharist truly foster unity, not only in our Families of Parishes, but across our entire archdiocese. This unity – not uniformity – is a cornerstone to building up the Catholic Church in these nineteen counties of western and southwestern Ohio."

Read the Letter

Retreat Opportunities

The Jesuit Spiritual Center’s Ministry Team is committed to offering transformational Catholic retreat experiences in the Jesuit tradition.

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Take a personal retreat. Our Retreat Center offers plenty of indoor quiet spaces to enjoy time and reflection! We offer quiet rooms for overnight guests. The peaceful and well-maintained Campus at the Sisters of St. Francis offers a wide variety of beautiful attractions such as grottos, shrines, flowering trees, and paved paths.

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Make a retreat and take time to enjoy the trails, rock formations, and wooded hillsides at Presentation Ministries, the Our Lady of Guadalupe Discipleship Center in Peebles, OH. The Discipleship Center is a place for formation, Bible College Classes, and Retreats.

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Saint Meinrad offers a variety of monk-led retreats during the year - on these and other topics at our Guest House and Retreat Center in southern Indiana.

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Volunteer Opportunities

Bring hope to those in need by volunteering with our Caregiver Assistance Network. Enrich your life as well as the lives of others by offering much-needed support to family caregivers through a support group and self-care class facilitation. Short and long-term group facilitation opportunities are available and volunteers receive free training and support. Join us in our mission to serve, enlighten and empower. For more information, please contact Angie Homoelle at 513.672.3834. Please visit  the Catholic Charities of South West Ohio's website to see our event calendar, or to refer yourself or someone you know for caregiver support. The Caregiver Assistance Network is a program of Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio funded through the Council on Aging.

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Volunteering at Catholic Charities

Volunteer with Catholic Charities

Refugee Resettlement

Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio has been very busy resettling refugees over the past few months. We have many needs as we serve them:

Affordable Housing for Refugees
Affordable housing for refugees resettling in the Greater Cincinnati area. For more information, contact Annie Scheid at 513.672.3784 .

Furniture Donations
Furniture donations, particularly sofas, living room chairs, coffee tables, lamps (table and/or floor), and dressers/chest of drawers are need for refugee families. Please contact Traci at tcollins@ccswoh.org if you have items you are interested in donating.

Serve as Mentors to Youth
Volunteers to serve as mentors to refugee youth ages 15-24. We need mentors for high school students age 15-22 and for post-high school students age 18-24. Work with refugee youth to promote social and civic engagement and support academic and vocational advancement. This is an opportunity to help those in need and to be enriched by learning from others. Volunteers must be 18 or older and commit 2 hours a week. No foreign language skills are required. Contact Nicole Secker at 513.687.0384 for more information or click the volunteer button below.


Serve as Movers, Transporters, and Vehicle Providers
Volunteers or groups to serve as movers, transporters, and vehicle providers (including large cargo vans and trucks, motor vehicle check required for drivers.) to pick up donations such as furniture around the community that will be used for local refugee housing and transport them per assignment throughout Greater Cincinnati. Contact Cathy Boston, 513.672.3836.

Hunger exists in our communities. Nutritious, affordable food is not readily available to every person in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati. Catholic Charities Southwestern Ohio travels to where hunger is located to serve local families. If you are interested in reducing hunger and food insecurity, volunteering at a mobile pantry, or learning more about hunger in our area, please contact April Hoak, Food for All Coordinator at 513.672.3720.

Learn more

Join Last Mile Food Rescue as a Food Rescue Hero! With just an hour of time, a smartphone, and a car, you can help fight food waste and deliver good food to organizations serving the food insecure in our community. Looking to give back as a parish? Contact olivia@lastmilefood.org to find out about group volunteer opportunities.

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Mater Filius Queen City is an Apostolate of the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and supports women in crisis pregnancies who choose life. Mater Filius provides food, housing, medical support, parent training, education, and employment assistance. Open to all demographics. To volunteer please call 513.351.3368

Details/Donation Info

Old St. Mary’s Pregnancy Center is looking for volunteers to lead 15-minute Bible studies with clients (the readings are already prepared; no prep needed!) and to help pack baby items for those in need. Shifts are 1:00-3:00pm, Monday through Thursday. We are located at 123 E. 13th Street in Over-the-Rhine, Cincinnati. For more information, please call Barbara Rose at 513.969.4739 or leave a voicemail at 513.929.9165.

The Serenelli Project is a 501(c)3 Catholic monastery village, focused on ministering to the formerly incarcerated. This is not a Catholic halfway house. The difference? No one has to leave this community. The Serenelli Project welcomes anyone who wants to make atonement for sin and find or give forgiveness in a communal life of prayer, work, service, and recovery. The Serenelli Project has purchased its first hermitage in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati and is actively seeking volunteers to help in a variety of ways. For more information visit: serenelliproject.org.

The archdiocesan Office of Prison Ministry is looking for men and women to teach three new courses at the Lebanon Correctional Institution. The courses are eight weeks in duration, one evening each week: fall of 2023, Why be Poor in Spirit?; winter 2023, Back to the Garden; and spring 2024, Seeking God’s Will. Volunteers will be trained and all curriculum and materials will be provided. Please call 513.240.3466 or email info@serenelliproject.org to learn more.

Catholic Schools Archdiocese of Cinciinati

Giving our children a strong foundation in their faith is the #1 benefit of a Catholic education. Explore Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Cincinnati.

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Find a School Open House

Catholic Education Opportunities in Our Parish

St. Margaret of York Parish School

A Family of Faith Religious Education

Catholic Mental Health Services

Find mental health services from Catholic providers

See Mental Health Services

Catholic Career Opportunities

Want to work for a Catholic organization? Check out the Archdiocese of Cincinnati (AOC) job board.

View AOC Job Board

Support & Healing

Since 1994, Project Rachel has ministered to women who have lost a child through abortion. We now know that this experience can cause guilt and shame after making the difficult decision to have an abortion. Women and men often suffer in silence and need the opportunity to honor the child and to heal while grieving and mourning their loss. Project Rachel offers several components for hope and healing. For more information, call/text the Project Rachel Helpline at: 513.784.0531, or email us at: hopeandhealingcinci@gmail.com, or visit our website at: https://projectrachelohio.org/.

We meet every 2nd Tuesday at 2:00 p.m. in Lebanon (511 N. Broadway, 45036) and every 3rd Tuesday at 2:45 p.m. in Green Township (3620 Eply, 45247).The Caregiver Assistance Network provides education, support and resource information for family caregivers. Whether you need support right now or are just planning for the future, we are here for you. Join us as we support and learn from each other, discussing topics such as self-care, communicating with family, tools and resources for aging in place and how to choose between long term care options. Contact Angie Homoelle at 513.672.3834 or ahomoelle@ccswoh.org or visithttps://www.ccswoh.org/get-help/senior-caregiver-support-services/for more information. The Caregiver Assistance Network is a program of Catholic Charities S

Connected Through Christ is a group for parents of children that suffer from gender dysphoria. Parents meet to share and discuss experiences regarding their children who say that they are transgender. The group is intended for parents to support each other through challenging times and to pray together. The core values of Connected Through Christ are based on a Christian understanding of male and female as articulated in Sacred Scripture and the teachings of the Catholic Church. Meetings are held twice a month at a Cincinnati east side parish. Email cincyctc@yahoo.com if you are interested in joining the group.

Morning Bible Study making sandwiches for local soup kitchen.

Morning Bible Study making sandwiches for local soup kitchen.