Logo Welcomecrhp2.0

We all want a community; we all want a home, we all want to find our place in our parish family and more importantly the family of God.

Welcome CRHP 2.0 formerly known simply as Christ Renews His Parish is an opportunity to do just that! The men's and women's retreats take place in early November. This is an enriching, 2-day retreat that will ignite your faith, no matter where you are in your journey, and embolden you to join the life of the parish. The retreat is held at St. Margaret of York (SMOY) and is open to any parishioner of SMOY or a nearby parish.



2023 Welcome CRHP 2.0 Retreats

Welcome is a Spiritual Renewal process for men and women that St. Margaret of York Parish hosts in November each year. Retreat weekends begin on Saturday morning and finish on Sunday afternoon. There is no cost to attend! Great food and snacks are provided. You can just sit back and take in the weekend. This retreat will be an opportunity to meet other great people in the parish. Why not go ahead and join the 400+ parishioners of St. Margaret of York Parish who have already attended a Welcome (CRHP 2.0). It’s easy to say you are busy. Give God a weekend, and you won’t regret it. Check it out! 

Welcome Button

Women's Retreat

November 4 & 5th

Click Here to Sign Up

If you have any questions please contact:

Kim Curtis

Men's Retreat

November 11 & 12th

Click Here to Sign Up

If you have any questions please contact:

Frank Hoffman