Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing if your mind, Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is - his good, pleasing and perfect will.

- Romans 12:2

Religious Education

St. Margaret of York’s Religious Education Programs provides an innovative and supportive approach to fostering a culture of faith within families. Our mission is to proclaim Christ’s message, guiding students to integrate this message into their daily lives. Through these programs, we aim to nurture a sense of community, encourage prayer and worship, and inspire a lifelong commitment to serving the Lord.

Our programs serve children from preschool through high school. Children in grades 1-8 are expected to attend A Family of Faith (September-April) and/or enrolled in the St. Margaret of York Parish School.


Jaci Jackson
Jacilyn Jackson
Coordinator of Religious Education & Safe Environment Coordinator

Safe Enviroment

Our first priority is your child’s safety! All adult volunteers approved to work with children in our parish or school have completed a background check, attended training, and remain compliant with Safe Environment standards. For more information about child safety or to become vetted to work with youth please click the button below.

More info/Become Vetted