April 01, 2024

“Christos Anesti!” Christ is Risen! This is how members of the Greek Orthodox Church greet one another at Easter. The response is “Alithos Anesti!” Truly He is Risen! In two brief phrases we see the whole point of our celebration this weekend. Jesus, who gave us Himself in the Eucharist at the Last Supper, and gave His life for us on the cross, triumphs over death by rising on Easter Sunday. This is the cornerstone of our Catholic Christian faith. And it is central to our lives, because Jesus does not just rise from the dead for Himself, but to call us into glory with Him. We will rise with Him! Death will not destroy us! An eternal destiny awaits us in heaven with Jesus, the ‘pioneer’ who goes before us to prepare the way. So, whether we say: “Happy Easter!” or “Christos Anesti!”, this is a day to rejoice with Christians all over the world! God bless you and keep you! 

Fr. Ed Smith

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