Christian woodcarvers from the Holy Land rely on tourism to support their families. These Christians, make their livelihood through the selling of their hand-carved Olive Wood religious items. These olive wood carvers travel from parish to parish promoting and selling the handcrafted olive wood carvings.

During the weekend of October 12 and 13, 2019 our brothers and sisters representing the Land of Peace Mission, a nonprofit organization, sold Crucifixes, religious artwork, and rosaries- all made of olive wood which is native to Israel and Bethlehem.

Land of Peace Mission’s goal is to build a Charitable Hospital in Bethlehem and help the poor and needy families in Bethlehem and Jerusalem. The sale of these goods help them immensely in achieving this goal and also gave our parishioners the opportunity to have “something” authentic from the holy land.

If you want to learn more about the Land of Peace Mission or missed the sale, you can still browse and order their items via their website:

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