Latest Bulletin
Announcement Deadlines
Typically Announcements are due to by Wednesday of the week before they are to appear in the bulletin (10 days before bulletin date). Deadlines are subject to change due to Holidays, vacations, or publisher mandated deadline changes. Please check the Announcement Deadlines Calendar on this page frequently for a change in Announcement deadlines.
The Pearl of York is the weekly parish bulletin named in honor of our patron saint, St. Margaret Clitherow who is known as the Pearl of York. (Read her story!) The Pearl of York is available at the entrances of the church in addition to online. The last pages are a directory of all the advertisers that support the cost of having our bulletins printed and delivered each week. Please consider patronizing their businesses and services.
Please note: Occasionally we will need to adjust announcement deadlines as the year progresses but we will do our best to always keep this information accurate and up to date so check back frequently.
Bulletin Advertising
Advertisements in our bulletin are managed through our bulletin publisher, Liturgical Publishers (LPI). Inquiries for advertising should contact:
Maggie Dynes
1.800.477.4574 x6102
Other Advertising
Interested in sponsoring SMOY Fest or other St. Margaret of York events? Please contact for more information.