Mass Times



8:15 am | 4:30 pm

8:30am* | 11:00am | 5:30pm
* Mass is Livestreamed

Watch Livestream 

Holy Day of Obligation
See Bulletin or Parish E-news

Celebrant Schedule

Confession Times

6:30pm until the last Confession is heard.
8:45 - 9:15am
3:00 - 4:00pm

Parish Office Hours are typically Monday - Thursday, 8:30am - 4:30pm, Friday, 8:30am - 3:30pm

Request Communion at Seat

Anyone attending Mass at SMOY who is not able to walk forward for Communion is able to request that Communion be brought to them at their seat by asking an Usher for assistance, preferably before Mass begins. 

Live Stream Mass

Catholics unable to tend Sunday Mass can tune in and watch online live-streams from St. Margaret of York. Daily Mass is streamed each morning from the cathedral basilica.

Live Mass from St. Margaret of York

Live Stream Masses:
Sundays 8:30 am EST

Watch it via our parish Youtube Channel

Live Mass from St. Peter in Chains Cathedral Basilica

Watch via Archdiocese of Cincinnati's Youtube Channel and Facebook Page.

*Notice of Filming and Photography

In order to offer Mass online, we will be live streaming during the 8:30am Sunday Mass. This means there is a possibility your image and likeness may appear on camera. By attending a St. Margaret of York event, you are entering an area where photography, audio, and video recording may occur.

By agreeing to these terms, you consent to photography, audio recording, video recording, and its release, publication, exhibition, or reproduction to be used for promotional purposes, advertising, inclusion on websites, social media, or any other purpose by St. Margaret of York and its representatives. You release St. Margaret of York, its employees, and each and all persons involved from any liability connected with the taking, recording, digitizing, or publication and use of interviews, photographs, computer images, video and/ or audio recordings, and you waive all rights to any claims for payment or royalties in connection with any use of these materials. You also waive any right to inspect or approve any photo, video, or audio recording taken by St. Margaret of York or the person or entity designated to do so by St. Margaret of York.

Special Interest Masses

in Greater Cincinnati

Sensory Friendly Mass at St. Maximillian Kolbe

For families with members who have sensory needs, our friends at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Liberty Township offer a Sensory Friendly Mass at 11:00am each Sunday.

American Sign Language (ASL) Masses

Each Sunday, several parishes in greater Cincinnati offer Masses in American Sign Language for those in the deaf community.

St. Jude the Apostle Parish on Cincinnati's West Side on Saturday at 5:00pm, St. Francis of Assisi in Centerville on Sunday at 11:00am, and Mother of God arcross the river in Covington, KY on Sunday at 11:30am.