Reserve Space on Campus
Good news! We have lots of ministries. Bad news, space is at a premium. The parish calendar year runs from July - June and each Spring the parish staff holds a calendar meeting to incorporate the Church’s liturgical calendar with the parish’s calendar for sacraments, faith formation, youth ministry, special events such as the festival and Funds for Excellence, and all the regular ministry and commission meetings.
When you need to reserve space for your ministry you must fill out an Event Request Form online below
In order to best accommodate all ministry’s needs for campus space please submit event requests by April 1st. It is important to plan your ministry calendar and get your requests in before the annual deadline because space may not be available for your ministry needs if you wait.
When making a request later in the year, please check the parish calendar online first to see what space is available before making your request. Requests for space must be submitted at least one week prior to the event.