May 10, 2023
Dear friends in Christ,
My journey in this parish (St. Margaret of York Catholic Church) has been a joyride with all your support and encouragement. I am grateful to God for giving me this opportunity to be your minister for the past five years. Church is the mystical body of Christ and each of us are members of that same body, each organ ensures that the rest of the body functions well; I am humbled with your overwhelming love and care during my ministry. I feel the joy of being helpful in your spiritual growth, as St. Paul constantly thanks God for his disciples in the epistles, so does my heart rejoice for having been instrumental in catering to the spiritual needs of the community here.
There were several occasions that you have enlivened my faith with your smile, with your words of appreciation and encouragement. Though from a different nationality, I realized that faith has connected us all as one in Christ. I felt welcomed and valued with your willingness to accept my services rendered as a priest. It gives me a mixed feeling of sorrow that I am going to leave for good, However, the joy of serving such a prayerful and pious community keeps me hopeful that we shall continue to lift one another in prayer.
I can vouch for sure that ministry here at SMOY has helped me grow in spirituality and faith. Many of your stories and conversations did make me understand the battle of faith and the practical way to live it as our Lord desires. I will remain ever indebted for all your cards and gifts over the past few years. I felt one among your family, the warmth of being part of this community will always be cherished in my heart. I entrust the care of each of you in the hands of our loving Lord Jesus who is the good Shepherd, and to the powerful intercession of our Blessed Virgin Mary. May the Lord always keep you and bless you with peace and spiritual graces to walk always in the path of holiness, to build a just society – the Kingdom of God. Be assured of my prayers. I seek yours for my future ministry in my Archdiocese. God willing, I may visit you all later. Until then May the Lord keep us all safe and healthy. Thank you.
Fr. Maria Raju Pasala
Archdiocese of Hyderabad
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