August 22, 2024

The school year is off to a wonderful start! We are so happy to have the children and teachers back on campus. Due to construction both here on our campus as well as Columbia Rd, and in conjunction with the Warren County Sheriff’s Department, we needed to develop a new plan for dropping off the children in the mornings to keep them safe as well as keeping Columbia Rd flowing. With this in mind, we moved our morning Mass time to 8:30 am and we are asking that unless you are dropping off your children for school that you do not arrive on the campus between 7:15 am and 8:15 am. This will give us the time necessary to unload children and escort them safely into the school building each day. If you must arrive prior to 7:15 am, please be sure to park in one of the spaces behind the portico so that you do not impede traffic flows.

There will be no parking for daily Mass in the parking area closest to the church office entrance to allow for those arriving late to school to have a place to park and escort their child into the building without having to dodge moving cars arriving for Mass. 

We cannot thank you enough for your help in this endeavor and your continued prayers for a successful school year here at SMOY! If and when this process changes, we will let you know. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our Business Manager, Kathy McGaughy 513.697.3108.

Please note that the only way into the parking lot on school days will be at the traffic light. 

Thanks for helping to keep our children safe.

Parking Aug2024


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