May 29, 2024

Now that summer is here and SMOY is in full construction site mode, here are a few safety reminders for us all:

1. The school building is a construction site and as such, no one but construction workers can access the building until further notice. The school office will be hard at work, but there will not be regular business hours. Please contact the school if you need to make an appointment.

2. The only legal way to make a left turn onto the SMOY campus from Columbia Rd is at the traffic light. Please do not attempt a left turn from Columbia Rd into the Right In/Right Out driveway. We have had quite a few near accidents between those illegally entering what is an exit only lane and those attempting to exit at the same time.

3.  There will be construction vehicles entering and exiting the property. Please be mindful and cautious. 

4. Because of the construction, the playground and basketball hoops will be closed and off limits until further notice. This is to protect our children and to keep them away from what will be an active construction site with many moving parts all day long. 

Thank you for not attempting to enter the construction site at any time. We will be posting pictures and short videos of the progress on a regular basis as this exciting new entrance and office space takes shape.We also want to thank you in advance for helping us keep the SMOY campus safe during this phase of our growth. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out to our Parish Business Manager, Kathy McGaughy,, or 513.697.3108

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